Topical Chat, April 4, 2006
Sorry about no post yesterday – it was my wife’s birthday, and we spent it the most romantic way possible … by losing money gambling in Atlantic City.
1. On a girl in Montana who won the state spelling bee after 41 rounds:
“When asked how relieved she was after the bee, she claimed she could best spell it R-O-L-A-I-D-S.”
2. On lawmakers in northwestern Pakistan approving a law banning kite flying for reasons of public safety:
“This was piggybacked with a law banning public thinking.”
3. On jumping the gun on the NCAA tournament champion, declaring UCLA the 'winner:'
“On a related note, Amazon has decided to pull the winners of the 2006 Arena Bowl, World Series, Wimbeldon, and Nextel Cup off of their site.”
4. On a police officer named Valentine (from New York), who has been charged with hacking into the e-mail account of a woman he met through an online dating service and posing as her in messages sent to himself and to other men:
“Hi, this is ‘Melissa.’ Do you think this holster makes my hips look too big?”
5. On the hip-hop culture starting a new trend - grills and fronts removable mouthpieces made of gold, platinum or silver and sometimes studded with jewels:
“I remember when acid washed jeans and Air Jordans were all the craze. Things have changed just a little bit.”
6. On a municipal judge who has accepted censure as punishment for mocking an assault victim by comparing him to a lying character on Saturday Night Live:
“Good thing he didn’t compare the victim to any politicians. He may have been sentenced to death.”
7. On a softball coach in California being sued because he was belittling his players, calling some of them idiots:
“This really pisses me off. This is why little league games can only end in ties now, because of parents who want their kids to compete, but don’t want them to lose. I’m sick of this. If you don’t want your kid criticized, home school the sumbitch, and don’t let him/her play sports.”
8. On a man in Maine who built his entire house out of concrete – including some structures inside the house:“Think of the new ‘number 2’ possibilities – ‘Hey Bob, can I use your bathroom, I gotta unload some concrete.’”
I didn't know it was Sue's birthday. We need to go out drinking in honor of her soon.
1. Yep, there's nothing in life more exciting than sitting through a 41 round spelling bee in Montana. That is a punishment in hell!
2. But can you fly a kite in Southeastern Pakistan? If so, I need to change my vacation plans.
3. What a shame. I was relying on to pick some winners in horse racing for me to bet on.
4. I'm having a hard time understanding this one. He sent a message to himself?
5. Yeah, Air Jordans... they were over a hundred bucks in 1985. That's like charging $250 for them today. Now, over $100 bucks is the norm for high end sneakers.
6. Yeah, that's the ticket!
7. Were we called idiots in the Glenolden Boys Club? I think sometimes we were.
8. That toilet seat must hurt!
1. The more I hear your corny jokes, Karl, the more I want to beat you to death with a pack of rabid weasels.
2. And don't forget laws against laying hopscotch, jumprope, and anything else that possibly give fun to young children.
3. I hear Amazon also removed the winner of the 2008 presidential election.
4. Hi, I'm Melissa. I enjoy long walks in the park, puppies, and committing cyber crimes! Hee hee!
5. What? You mean like mouthguards?
6. Stinking judges and cops have too much power and too little compassion.
7. Or at least use constructive criticism. Yelling at a kid is plain out wrong.
8. Hey, Bob, can I use your bathroom? I gotta go settle my foundation! I'm about to drop a cinder! My cement truck is about to spew! The Quik-Crete is running a bit too quick!
1) Outlasted Reverse by 40 rounds also..
2) I heard they were thinking of outlawing breathing too
3) I thought Florida all the way... Noah too good
4) Way too weird...
5) I've heard about that...
6) Or worse than death..
7) I agree 100% I hate parents like that.. I refuse to be of "those parrents"
8) like a dump truck..
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