Topical Chat, March 27, 2006
Villanova was eliminated in the Elite 8 yesterday, but they shouldn’t be ashamed – they had a helluva run… Go Flyers!
1. On a Wisconsin couple that lost 125 pounds to win $1,200 as part of a radio contest:
“The funeral for the wife is Thursday.”
2. On the Malaysian government opening its first highway drive-in massage parlor with the aim of reducing accidents by easing tense muscles of stressed-out drivers:
“Car Poolers get free happy endings.”
3. On the Mayor of Sheridan, Wyoming, sponsoring a "pothole patrol" contest in which residents can e-mail the Mayor or call City Hall to vote their street as the worst in town for potholes (if their street wins, it gets moved up on the priority list):
“He is also contemplating a contest for neighborhoods with the highest murder rates.”
4. On Marines sending a recruitment letter to a 78-year old lady:
“Apparently, they are running low on machine guns, but having plenty of rolling pins.”
5. On Swiss Cheese taking top honors at this year’s World Championship Cheese Contest in Wisconsin:
“Ryan Seacrest came in second.”
6. On a St. Louis radio show host getting fired after using a racial epithet on the air while talking about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice:
“He called her a liberal.”
7. On a small Easter display being removed from the lobby in the City Hall of St. Paul Minnesota out of concern that they would offend non-Christians.
“Funny. To many Religious Right members, the Easter Bunny already is offending.”
8. On the Illinois Department of Transportation putting newly installed signs along the Dan Ryan Expressway, which will undergo major reconstruction starting later this month, accidentally instructing motorists to call a sex-hotline instead of the toll-free number for information on alternate routes:
“Hey baby, I’d really like to lay some asphalt in your tunnel.”
Villanova should be very ashamed. GO GEORGE MASON!
1. I lost 90 pounds alone, and I haven't gotten a dime. Fuck them!
2. I can't think of a joke that doesn't involve a happy ending. I feel so dirty now.
3. This is what they are most concerned about in Wyoming? What a boring ass state.
4. What does an old lady sound like shouting "HOO-RAH!"
5. Ryan Seacrest... HEYYY-OHHH!
6. I heard all about this story. It's embarassing in a way. He meant to say the word "coup" and it came out accidentally as "coon". And he apparently immediately apologized and realized it was simply a slip of the tongue. And he gets fired over a slip of the tongue. Radio is the only business where one accidental word can ruin your career. It's part of the reason I am beginning to really hate terrestrial radio.
7. Yes... let's celebrate the birth of Jesus by hiding eggs. Makes sense to me!
8. Yeah baby, I'd like to resurface your highway!
Elite who?
1. In Britain, that's alot of money! (Ba-dum, crash!)
2. Next it'll be state-sponsored Whores On Wheels or W.O.W.!
3. Stop making a game of it and fix the damn streets.
4. "Gunny-Sergeant Granny reporting for duty! Sir!"
5. LOL. That was actually funny, Karl. Looks like I'll let you live another 2 days.
6. Why can't people get over this whole racial thing? White, Black, Yellow... whatever... WE ALL BLEED RED.
7. This is just stupid. I kinda wish a damn holy war would start so all these religions can wipe each other out. Bitches.
8. "Hey sweetie, wanna go bumper to bumper with me?" "Hey, honey, I wanna drive up your hills and down your valley!"
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