Monday, March 20, 2006

Topical Chat, March 20, 2006

Sorry about Friday, everyone – I was “sick.”

1. On 1,500 Venezuelans posing nude in public on Sunday for an American photographer.
“Later, they were told it was a photographer and not a gun-man.”

2. On a Chinese soldier being fined $129 for stealing a Mickey Mouse Key Ring at Hong Kong’s Disneyland:
“That guy was just plain Goofy!”

3. On the first town ever auctioned on eBay being up for sale again – minimum bid of $1.75 million:
“So, if you buy the town, are you the ruler of the town? Can you rename the town? I need details!”

4. On a 500-pound moose crashing through the windshield of a car and ending up in the passenger seat:
“Hey Rocky, watch me pull this rabbit out of my …. Hey, wait a minute! You’re not Rocky!”

5. On Australian strippers winning the right to meal breaks, overtime and maternity leave:
“No word on whether or not they will be allowed to swallow.”

6. On a man in Provo, Utah, teaching senior citizens self defense with their canes:
“The intermediate course deals with using dentures as self defense.”

7. On a Pittsburgh Steelers’ fan’s gravestone (that had a Steelers’ logo on it) being stolen:
“Serves him right. Anybody who requests a professional sports team’s logo on their gravestone is just not right.”

8. On an Ohio teenager being caught shoplifting while being dressed like Superman:“Apparently, he was nicknamed “The Man of Steal.”


At 11:33 AM, Blogger The Rev said...

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At 11:33 AM, Blogger The Rev said...

1. As long as one of them wasn't Ugueth Urbina, I'm cool with it.

2. The Chinese are getting rather lenient on their crimes. He would have been shot 10 years ago.

3. You get to keep all of the citizens as slaves.

4. That means he get's to control the radio if he's in the passenger seat.

5. Heh heh.. swallow!

6. They ought to teach them to whip off their Depends and fling them in the face of a would be attacker. That would stop me.

7. Come on... your tombstone would look great with a PSU logo on it.

5. That was the worst joke I have seen in your blog in weeks.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Schleaf said...

1) That sounds like a real "hot scene
2) Maybe he thought they were free
3) I thought of not only selling my kid's name on Ebay, but actually selling my kid for 1.75 million.. I think that's actually illegal
4) I heard about that, poor moose had to be killed
5) Hey-oh!
6) That's scary
7) I'll have a cowboys logo on my gravestone :)
8) I heard a guy dressed up like Lex Luthor caught him.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger goDuke said...

1) New How-To class to be offered starting Monday in Venezuela, course title - "Just Say No"
2) I went to Disney last summer, seems like that guy got off cheap.
3) How much did the original buyer pay? I hope he is losing money!
4) The moose asked the driver, "Do I look fat in this seat"
5) They're currently fighting for worker's compensation, for knee abrasion.
6) Expert level course teaches the old farts to pop the lenses out of their glasses and use them like 'Chinese stars'
7) College team logos on the other hand are fine, so I would be ok with a Duke one.
8) Did he hide the stuff under his cape?

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

I have no comment on any of these, Karl; your really, REALLY bad jokes are making blood spurt from my nose.



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