Topical Chat, April 12, 2006
Topical Chat, April 12, 2006
Sorry I got this to you guy(s) late – sometimes work can get rather busy.
1. On Japanese movie-goers who will get to “smell” some of the scenes, thanks to a new technology, in an upcoming Hollywood movie:
“The problem is that most of the movies Hollywood is producing already stink.”
2. On Sri Lanka's most celebrated elephant, "Raja," falling ill after eating scores of cookies, chocolates and other rich food offered to him as part of Buddhist new year celebrations:
“Good thing for the elephant that the celebrations didn’t involve watching any of those stinky Hollywood movies.”
3. On a man who burglarized a Laundromat, taking the video cameras, but leaving the videotapes behind (the cops were able to identify and arrest him):
“The New York Knicks have apparently expressed interest in replacing Isaiah Thomas with this guy.”
4. On a Swedish appeals court ruling that a TV station violated the artistic integrity of two filmmakers by interrupting their movies with commercial breaks:
“Screw the audience who has to sit through the commercials.”
5. On authorities in California recovering a motorcycle that was stolen in 1971 and planning to return it to its original owner this week:
“They will be exhuming the body of the owner next week.”
6. On two Humble Prunes that that will be recognized as secret weapons of World War II by a London auction house:
“Who would’ve thought that regularity would be a secret weapon in WWII?”
7. On a teenage girl in Buffalo who was accused of making more than 1000 fake 911 calls:
“The Laundromat burglar may have competition for the Knicks’ GM position.
8. On a couple in Missouri who were arrested for faking being pregnant with sextuplets (they tried to prey on people’s generosity to pay off mounting bills):“I wonder if these geniuses really thought this whole thing through. What would happen at the end of the ‘pregancy?’ 6 miscarriages?”
Liar! You're scared of getting yelled at for surfing too much again!
1. Aw, smell-o-vision was my idea!
2. Unfortunately, Raja is now a diabetic elephant.
3. Idiot.
4. YES! DOwn with commercials!
5. Btw, the owner owes 35 years of registration fees on the cycle.
6. Prunes, the next secret weapon!
7. She's a witch! Burn her!
8. They're idiots! Burn them!
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