Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Topical Chat, September 7, 2005

Sorry about no post on Monday - it was a friggin' holiday, darn it!

1. On Actor Bob Denver's death:
"Poor Lil buddy. At least he'll once again be sharing a cabana with the Skipper."

2. On a computer engineer who lost his job because heate two pieces of pepperoni pizza.
"If only he would've told him that it wasn't delivery, it was DiGiorno's."

3. On Michigan's Rolla Zuck, who Still Drives a Car and Bowls in the 150s ... at Almost 100 Years Old.
"Unfortunately, she has no idea she is doing these things."

4. On a study finds that preschoolers pretending to shop for a Barbie doll's social evening were more likely to choose cigarettes if their parents smoked, and wine or beer if their parents drank.
"What would they choose if the parents snorted coke?"

5. On a post office is Wakefield, OH, that got evicted.
"Looks like the mail may be a little late. Hopefully, this won't justify raising stamp prices yet again."

6. On a former New Jersey sheriff who was convicted of rewarding employees who raise campaign funds and shaking people down for contributions, and has gotten a job teaching criminal justice at East StroudsburgUniversity.
"He'll have plenty of real life material to use on the class. 'If I had just done this, I wouldn't have been caught - please don't be as stupid as I was.'"

7. On a Duck Club in Utah that uses pigs to keep thepigeons away.
"I guess gunfire didn't work."

8. On a report that the Germans designed an exploding chocolate bar during World War 2.
"You gotta hand it to the Germans - they were really thinking outside the box (get it?)."


At 9:38 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Slacker. Not posting on Monday. I posted my Haiku on Monday!!!

1. I remember 'Gilligan's Island'. I liked that show.

2. What? If he ate three pieces of pizza would they have executed him?

3. Don't make fun of the elderly, Karl. Remember, we need to study them to see what nutrients can be extracted.

4. So who cares? Is that supposed to make people who smoke and drink feel bad because they're bad role models for their children?? Last time I checked, it was a free world. So if parents want to take the paths of vice and let their children be tempted by it, then more power to 'em.

5. Can we evict Bush?

6. Ah, yes, teaching through experience!

7. Yes, cause we all know pigs are big scary animals..... they're BACON!
Mmmmmm, bacon.... *droool*

8. Mmmmmm, exploding chocolate.

At 10:24 AM, Blogger The Rev said...

1. On Actor Bob Denver's death:
Another of the greats has left us. I never knew his daughter Emily, but she went to college at Emerson the same time I did. Maybe he was typecast as that character, but no one pulled off a more memorable TV character than he did, and that is a testament to his talent.

2. On a computer engineer who lost his job because he ate two pieces of pepperoni pizza.
If that were the requirements of getting fired at places I worked, I would have been fired 1,729 times in my life.

3. On Michigan's Rolla Zuck, who Still Drives a Car and Bowls in the 150s ... at Almost 100 Years Old.
How many strikes does she get, and how many of those strikes happen in other people's lanes?

4. On a study finds that preschoolers pretending to shop for a Barbie doll's social evening were more likely to choose cigarettes if their parents smoked, and wine or beer if their parents drank.
"What would they choose if the parents snorted coke?"
I'm guessing they'd choose heroin.

5. On a post office is Wakefield, OH, that got evicted.
I had no idea that post offices had landlords.

6. On a former New Jersey sheriff who was convicted of rewarding employees who raise campaign funds and shaking people down for contributions, and has gotten a job teaching criminal justice at East Stroudsburg University.
Hey... who better to teach such things than an actual criminal?

7. On a Duck Club in Utah that uses pigs to keep thepigeons away.
I had no idea pigeons were afraid of pigs. Look at how much new stuff I am learning today.

8. On a report that the Germans designed an exploding chocolate bar during World War 2.
"You gotta hand it to the Germans - they were really thinking outside the box (get it?)."
Actually, no I don't.


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