Friday, September 02, 2005

Topical Chat, September 2, 2005

Man what a weekend! PSU football, extra day off of work, and the new Stones CD! Holy Mackerel!

1. On a PA farmer passing out in a manure truck:
"This farmer must've been doing the same thing the Russian farmers were doing, feeding pot to the livestock."

2. On wineries being blamed for smog in California:
"Yeah, it's definitely not the cars and industry, it must be the wine."

3. On a guard in Washington State who got busted by police for a drunken brawl, and then peed on a computer at the police station:
"I wonder if this footage was caught on tape so we can watch it on COPS."

4. On President Bush warning gas stations not to price gouge:
"How about the oil companies, Mr. President? Shouldn't you be warning them as well?"

5. On the invention of a new anti-rape condom that hooks onto the attacker's penis:
"Ummm....this is painful on so many levels. I once got a good portion of my penis caught in a zipper."

6. On a cornered theif who was able to escape in a police car:
"I think I saw this in one of the Police Academy movies."

7. On NAPA wanting a decibel limit for ice cream trucks:
"I had no idea they had Metallica ice cream trucks in California."

8. On a burglar leaving his name tag at a crime scene:
"I'm assuming this guy probably hasn't been a burglar for very long."


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. Hmmmm, was he shit-faced??? Get it?

2. Next they'll blame health food joints for making people fat.

3. So was he PISSED off? Get it?

4. Seriously....

5. I don't get it. I doubt a rapist would put on a condom, or listen to victim ask him to put on a condom.

6. Go, thief, go!

7. Ooooo, Far Side flashback:
I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus!

8. Idiot.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read Smokin' Steve's comment to number 4. I thought all the libs said W went to Iraq for the oil? Well, where is it?

Nincompoops. Let's see if Rendell cuts our ridiculous 31 cents on the dollar gas tax to relieve his constituents. Oh yeah, Dems don't cut taxes, they raise 'em. Or maybe we should build a refinery or two since it hasn't been done in 20 years. Oh yeah, the lib evironmentalist whackos won't let anybody do that either. Two cheers for progress and growth!!


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