Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Topical Chat, June 22, 2005

Wednesday - Hump Day (and please, get your mind out of the gutter - it means "middle of the work week!")

1. On brain areas shutting off during female orgasm:
"Unfortunately, in addition to faking orgasms, it is not hard for women to fake being stupid."

2. On D.C.'s police chief's car being stolen:
"Is this one of the ways a police chief can legally be relieved of his duties?"

3. On Prince William graduating from college:
"Could you imagine if a professor refused to give a passing grade to a potential future King of the United Kingdom? I can see it now: 'I'm sorry, Prince Charles, but I'm going to need you to come in for a parent - teacher conference.'"

4. On a homeless shelter that has stopped serving bear meat:
"As long as road kill is still on the menu, I don't think this will be cause any major riots."

5. On a new magazine report that claims Philadelphia is one of the nation's dirtiest cities:
"Some people may see it as dirty, but I see it as 'creative.'"

6. On the failure of the $4 million solar powered spacecraft:
"I, for one, am shocked. It seemed like a lot of 'research' went into this.....NOT!"

7. On a man falling asleep during his 18th DWI arrest:
"If the cops are going to keep arresting this guy, they might need to come up with creative new ways, in order to keep him awake, as he has been through this too many times already."

8. On the quote "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damb," bein named the top movie quote of all time by AFI:
"I am thoroughly outraged! I certainly thought that the quote "What about Bob?" from the movie with the same title should've garnered more recognition."


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. On brain areas shutting off during female orgasm:
"Hmmmmm, I wonder what would happen if they never turned back on."

2. On D.C.'s police chief's car being stolen:
"Our stolen vehicle rate has been the lowest in DC in years!!!! Oh, fuck."

3. On Prince William graduating from college:
"Oh, come on, who in their right mind would fail royalty? Grades don't matter.... look at who's running our country for proof."

4. On a homeless shelter that has stopped serving bear meat:
"But Bear is nutritious!"

5. On a new magazine report that claims Philadelphia is one of the nation's dirtiest cities:
"Some people may see it as dirty, but I see it as 'antiseptically challenged'"

6. On the failure of the $4 million solar powered spacecraft:
"They launched from an old Russian sub, go figure."

7. On a man falling asleep during his 18th DWI arrest:
"I got nothing."

8. On the quote "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damb," bein named the top movie quote of all time by AFI:
"I still think something from History of the World, Pt. 1 ahould have been number one."


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