Monday, June 06, 2005

Topical Chat, June 6, 2005

T.G.I.M.....NOT! I had a great time this weekend - went to Chesapeake City, MD and had blue-claw crabs at the Tap-Room. Good stuff! Is it time to start rooting for the Phils? Maybe a topic for a future blog. Onto the news:

1. On Michael Jackson case coming to a close:
"I wonder which star will be the next media punching bag."

2. On an octogenarian being nabbed in a prostitution ring:
"I had no idea Joan Rivers was pimping herself out."

3. On a woman being charged with smuggling fish in her skirt:
"How were the cops able to figure this one out?"

4. On Iraq outlining charges against Saddam:
"Are they required to narrow it down to just the most important ones? If not, this could take months, maybe years."

5. On an Indian village marrying toads in a bid for rain:
"How did they agree to Brittany Spears and her 'husband' to agree to renew their wedding vows in India?"

6. On Apple computers switching from IBM to the Intel processing chips:
"Apple still makes computers?"

7. On the reports of Brittany Spears having a daughter:
"Hopefully she will raise her to be just as annoying as she is."

8. On the report that sign language delays speech in babies:
"This is especially true for deaf babies."


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. On Michael Jackson case coming to a close:
"Aw.... That's one less thing for me to ignore."

2. On an octogenarian being nabbed in a prostitution ring:

3. On a woman being charged with suggling fish in her skit:
"Suggling fish in her skit??? What?"

4. On Iraq outlining charges against Saddam:
"Yeeesh. Just kill him and be done with it. 'Due Process' is so inefficient."

5. On an Indian village marrying toads in a bid for rain:
"Now, did they marry one toad to another? Or did villagers marry toads? More info., Karl!"

6. On Apple computers switching from IBM to the Intel processing chips:
"Apple sucks. Macs suck."

7. On the reports of Brittany Spears having a daughter:
"Hey look! It's more crap for me to ignore!"

8. On the report that sign language delays speech in babies:
"Poor mute babies."

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Los said...

First, the villagers married one toad to another, they weren't married to toads.

Second, I meant to type "smuggled." I don't even know what "suggled" is.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Ah, clarification.

3. On a woman being charged with smuggling fish in her skirt:
"Oh, I ain't touching this one."

5. On an Indian village marrying toads in a bid for rain:
"I can hear the female toad now: 'What?!? You took me to this crummy swamp for our honeymoon!!! I want a divorce!'"

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Ken said...

Is it time to start rooting for the Phils?:
I jumped on preseason. Let's go t oan F'm game.

oh an Crabs....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

At 7:11 AM, Blogger sirgeb said...

1. Michael Jaskson:
How about famed scientologist Tom Cruise. He's trying to covert that chick of his now too.

2. Hey baby- do you want to feel my dentures?

3. I'm guessing the smell

4. My guess is that Saddam will never go to trial.

5. Is this an American Indian village or just on in India?

6. I've got nothing here, but I'm still rooting against the Phils. I hope they crash and burn late in the season again. This is one person who won't jump on the Phils bandwagon.

7. This just furthers the argument of needing some test before you can continue your gene pool. Brittany should have failed whatever that test was.

8. Man, you guys got all the funny senses.


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