Monday, May 02, 2005

Topical Chat, May 2, 2005

Holy Moly, May already? I have some good left-over topics to discuss from last week. Enjoy:

1. On the new Vapor Liquor machine:
"Why does this seem like a bad idea to me?"

2. On 1000 endangered frogs that were saved from a blender:
"What do you mean, that you can't get me my 'Frog Island Iced-tea?"

3. On the new McIntosh operating system:
"I'm getting tired of asking 'will this be the break-through that will make Apple relevant?'"

4. On the Pope fitting the "End of the World Prophecy:"
"Go figure. Of course this would happen with a German Pope."

5. On the third grader sticking 19 students with a diabetes needle:
"I remember one of my friends getting in trouble for giving another friend of mine Ex-Lax in grade school. Kids are finding more creative ways to get in trouble these days."

6. On the Oklahoma baseball coach who had to resign after making racial remarks about one of his players:
"Ah, the good ol' South. I guess he'll have more time for his Klansman meetings now."

7. On the guy who tried to pay for pizza with pot:
"I'm not sure I remember this Pizza Hut promotion."

8. On congress pushing to regulate cable and satellite radio:
"First, I think we should congratulate congress for solving all of the country's other problems. Now, they can tackle this issue. Seriously, though. I'm sick of this. We can once again thank the Jackson family for government's over-reaction to censorship issues."


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. It'll probably be much easier to get alcohol poisoning with that.

2. That's got to be an awfully big blender to hold 1000 frogs.

3. Mmmmm, apples.

4. Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom!

5. Wow. WTF is wrong with people?


7. "Dude! I don't have 10 dinero for the pizza! But here, have a dime bag!" Aw, now I'm thinking about Dimebag Darrel who died. I made myself sad.

8. It starts with an "R", and ends with an "evolution". Who's with me? FTG! I'm tired of these pissant, right-wing, self-important, prudish, zealot PC politicians who have a father-figure complex for the entire nation trying to tell us what we can and can't watch, do, feel, enjoy, think, drink, say, conjecture, believe, and LIVE.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Ken said...

No sixers chat..hmmm. Even I watched the game!

1. On the new Vapor Liquor machine:
"Mmmmmm Homer like!"

2. On 1000 endangered frogs that were saved from a blender:
"What about the boils and locusts?"

3. On the new McIntosh operating system:
"If apple would slicve the price of their products in half I'd pick up a G5!"

4. On the Pope fitting the "End of the World Prophecy:"
"I'm not surprised," said the Jew.

5. On the third grader sticking 19 students with a diabetes needle:
"This is F'd up, rumor has it one of the kids had AIDS."

6. On the Oklahoma baseball coach who had to resign after making racial remarks about one of his players:
"If I'm going to lose my job over a racial remark, you better believe the entire floor will hear that racial remark!"

7. On the guy who tried to pay for pizza with pot:
"Papa Johns tried to give free COKE with a pizza purchase, I don't understand why pot would be an issue."

8. On congress pushing to regulate cable and satellite radio:
"Someone needs to force the american public read the book 1984."

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. On the Vapor Liquor machine:
Glad we didn't have that during Hamilton Hall Grain Fest.

2. On 1000 endangered frogs saved from a blender:
The German ones self-exploded.

3. On the new McIntosh operating system:
Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. How difficult was that?

4. On the Pope fitting the "End of the World Prophecy:"
And I feel fine.

5. On the third grader sticking 19 students with a diabetes needle:
Who said Philly schools suck?

6. On the Oklahoma baseball coach resigning after making racial remarks:
Southern coach made a mistake, quit his job. Northern racists Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson and Al "Tawanna Brawley" Sharpton gained power after their slurs.

7. On paying for pizza with pot:
Did they give Doritos as a tip?

8. On congress pushing to regulate cable and satellite radio:
Want a revolution? Repeal income tax withholding. In the meantime, I agree with everything else above, except for "right-wing." Place blame squarely on both sides. The righties went nuts over Janet Jackson. And lefty Sean Treglia last month admitted spending millions of Pew Foundation dollars to invent a "public crisis" in order to manipulate Congress into limiting political speech via McCain-Feingold, which the Dems voted overwhelmingly for, with barely enough GOP votes to pass.

I want neither regulated. But political speech - the ability to publicly tell politicians they're full of crap - is specifically what the founding fathers protected in the First Amendment.


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