Topical Talk Chat
I figured since I like doing this topical talk thingy, I might as well come up with something snappy(if you have a better title, please let me know). On to the topics:
1. On the Earthquake in Sumatra:
"What is next for this country, bubonic plague? famon? The Hilton sisters?"
2. On Johnny Cochran's death:
"After what he did with the O.J. trial, I bet that he could convince people he was still alive."
3. On Jerry Falwell's pneumonia:
"I wonder what we Americans did wrong, that would cause Falwell to get pneumonia? Certainly, it wasn't his fault."
4. On the Boy Scout leader convicted of possessing child porn
"I guess he didn't have what it took to become a priest."
5. On Terri Schiavo's Death, and what it means to the media:
"Don't worry, the media will have plenty to report on - the autopsy, cremation or burial, an ABC after-school movie..."
6. ON Ted Koppel leaving ABC
"My goodness. What will the old people watch?"
7. On the Nude Statue issue in Indiana:
"Obscene? I guess next, we'll have to decide on whether aft by Van Gogh and Dali are obscene. I'm glad the government is doing the thinking for us."
8. On the ongoing NHL labor talks.
"If the NHL keeps going at this rate, there won't any labor to talk about."
Topical Talk Chat?????? How redundant.
1. Everyone sing it with me: "Shake, rattle and roll! Shake, rattle and roll!"
2. One less weasel in the world.
3. (sung to the Speed Racer theme) "Go, pneumonia, gooooo!"
4. Hmmmm, I got nothing. (Karl already beat me to the priest joke)
5. Thousands of people die everyday, America. Deal with it you bunch of pansied-ass sissies.
Oh, and it's her FAMILIES choice. FTG!
6. Matlock. Oh, wait....
7. Hmmmm, so I guess the nations of Greece and Italy are obscene from all the beautiful works of sculpture depicting the nude human body that have been created over there for centuries. FTG!
8. What the hell is Hockey? I seem to remember something about some ice and a puck. But it's all so fuzzy to me now. Oh yeah, sports SUCK.
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