Thursday, March 03, 2005


"Dear Christ, there is no better food than the tater tot!" One of my very good friends once uttered those enlightening words, whilst eating said side dish. Don't you wish that you kept a list of funny quotes, such as this one, so that you could look back, reminisce, and laugh 'til you cry?

My college roommates began keeping a quote list in college, after we realized that we all at one time or another (or all the time) uttered a bunch of really stupid things. The list started sometime in the fall of 1993, after I came up with the zinger "Turn off the stove and get me a f*ckin' chimney, man." Yes, I may have been a little intoxicated, at the time.

The list grew rather rapidly in that final year of college, and we recorded more than 100 quotes - ones that included such zingers as "Get up, dude - the floor is ass," and "Do I have any ears in my hair?"

But, as college came to an end, the interest in the quote list waned....until, I transferred the paper file to an actual Word File. I have collected more than 800 quotes from friends, family, and complete strangers. I often go back and read these quotes, especially if I am in a bad mood. You can see what I'm talking about, if you visit the quote section of my website at: Let me know if you have any favorities!

Also, while we are on the subject of collecting quotes, I also have a "number 2" section on my website. I decided that I would start keeping track of all of the different lines there are for taking a crap. I'm over 100 with that. Some of my favorites include "Hanging bananas," "visiting the angry chair," and "taking the browns to the Super Bowl." You can visit this page by going to: Again, let me know your favorites, or, if you have any to add, please let me know!


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Ken said...

Tater tot... tater tot... I just screened Napolean Dynamite over the weekend and there was this sick, sick, sick scene. He picks up his cafeteria tater tots and places them in his pants pocket. He actually leaves them in the pocket and decides to eat them later on in the day. Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick!

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Los said...

Yeah that was disgusting. But, the one classmate wants them, and then when Napolean doesn't give him any, the guy punches his pocket, and squishes the tater tot.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

They call me, 'Tater Salad'.



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