More Topical Issues
I had so much fun with last week's topical issues, that I found some more to respond to. Please, add your responses, or suggestions for other topical issues to discuss:
1. On Barry Bonds hints that he may be out for the season:
"If only this 'stupid' steroid inquiry by the government wasn't taking place, Bonds would be able to continue using 'the clear' in pursuit of all of those baseball records.....shucks."
2. On the plot to kidnap David Letterman's child:
"I wonder what Leno will try to do to top that."
3. On the rumor of a new Stones CD and tour this summer:
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!!
4. On David Stern's announcement that Ron Artest will not be able to return to the NBA this season:
"Wait a minute. What about the message that the NBA was trying to get out in the past, that violence and immaturity is cool? Won't this send mixed signals?"
5. On Sylvester Stallone's new boxing reality show:
"Great. Does this mean that talks are underway at FOX to develop a reality show with Ben Affleck that deals with becoming an actor?"
6. On the Teen Killer in Minnesota:
"It is never a good idea to ignore signals or threats a child or teenager gives. It is important to be more involved."
7. On the arrival of Springtime:
"Darn...I was hoping to subject my lower back to more pain by snow shoveling."
8. On the decision of some of the IMAX theatres in the South to not show a movie, because it mentions the theory of evolution.
"Isn't it funny how unevolved the people are who do not believe in evolution? Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. The religious right is wielding too much power. Somebody with some "marbles" needs to stand up to this small group, before they make the decision for the entire country that freedom of speech is unconstitutional."
1. Lynch them all! Lynch, I say!
2. That just sucks.
3. "Burn me a copy, burn me a copy, burn me a copy, burn me a copy, burn me a copy!"
4. see #1.
5. Oooooooooo, BURN!
6. *deleted*
7. Yeah.... now comes the allergies, the sunburns, the plagues of biting insects, the allergies, the warm weather traffic, the hot freaking weather, the ALLERGIES.
8. see #1. AND having a belief structure and dogmatic philosophy is all fine and dandy. But when they start trying to shove their "ever so-f***ing righteous" beliefs down our throats is when to draw the line. Listen up, religious right. Many of us don't need your weak beliefs to feel validation for our existences. Being alive is our validation. Deal with it, sissies.
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