Friday, June 10, 2005

Topical Chat Friday, June 10, 2005

It has been a crazy week in the news, so I was able to get one more set of stories for you (lucky you!). Happy Friday!:

1. On an exhibit that shows the science of body functions:
"I exhibit so many body functions all the time, and I wasn't smart enough to take advantage of it."

2. On a Mexican police chief who was shot and killed after nine hours on the job:
"I wonder what kind of pension he had."

3. On a shark-bite at the Jersey Shore:
"Sounds like the waters are getting cleaner in New Jersey!"

4. On a former stripper winning the judge elections in Nevada:
"After experiencing Las Vegas, I'm shocked that this sort of thing could happen in Nevada....."

5. On the anti-speedo ordinance being repealed in Cape May, NJ:
"And this will help the tourism in industry how, exactly?"

6. On Russell Crowe's phone toss:
"I wonder when Foster's will take advantage of this and use it in one of their stupid commercials as 'call forwarding.'"

7. On McCauley Culkin being arrested for pot:
"It looks like our little 'Home Alone' kid is all grown up."

8. On a British student who turns road-kill into art:
"Speaking of which, I think I just made a Picasso this morning on Route 38."


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. On an exhibit that shows the science of body functions:
"Meh, they're taking the magic out of farting, belching, etc."

2. On a Mexican police chief who was shot and killed after nine hours on the job:
"That sucks. I think the crab-catchers don't have the Most Dangerous Job in the world anymore."

3. On a shark-bite at the Jersey Shore:
"Sounds like the waters are getting BLOODIER in New Jersey!"

4. On a former stripper winning the judge elections in Nevada:
"Ooooo, she used to take off her clothes! She's not fit for judicial duties! Stupid right-wing conservatives."

5. On the anti-speedo ordinance being repealed in Cape May, NJ:
"What's so appealing about Speedos anyway? Just makes ya look like you're hiding a bunch of grapes."

6. On Russell Crowe's phone toss:

7. On McCauley Culkin being arrested for pot:
"I wonder if he made 'that face' when e saw the cop. I wonder if he's making 'that face' from jail?"

8. On a British student who turns road-kill into art:
"Road-kill is NOT art."


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