Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Topical Chat, September 27, 2006

Thank goodness, we’re about 4 days into Autumn, and I’ve already gotten my first cold of the season (give me pity laughs for these headlines!).

1. On a three-year-old boy who bought a pink $16,000 Nissan on EBAY:
“Michael Jackson delivered the car personally."

2. On a 73-year-old used car salesman who allegedly ended an argument with a customer by pulling out a machete and whacking the man's arm:
“I’m not sure which is more disturbing, the fact that the guy used a machete, or the fact that he brings a machete to work.”

3. On the wife of a major league baseball player getting plunked by a foul-ball off the bat of her husband:
“I wonder if she finally got the hint.”

4. On a car outfitted with cameras, tracking capabilities and a remote engine-kill system designed to catch auto thieves being stolen somewhere in Dallas:
“The U.S. government is interested in purchasing 10,000 of these.”

5. On a former Australian politician calling Australian men metrosexual knobs and tossbags:
“I can’t believe he wasn’t re-elected.”

6. On an agency in Germany that will, for a fee of $20, breakup with your girlfriend/boyfriend for you:
“For an extra $50, they’ll even sleep with them.”

7. On a woman in Southern California who gave birth to her own grandson:
“I know California is very liberal, but this is ridiculous.”


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. Heh, that kid is going to be known as 'Pinky' for the rest of his life.

2. Ah, machetes, man's best friend in dealing with jungle vines, undergrowth, anacondas, constrictors, and annoying customers.

3. Man, is he gonna catch hell when they get home after that game.

4. Where's the turret guns?

5. Knob! Hoser! Heh, idiot doesn't realize he lives in Australia, not Canada.

6. So could I give this agency 100$, and then give them the names of five random couples just to see what happens???

7. Um, wait a minute... what?

8. No #8 AGAIN, Los??? You're slacking here!

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stock up on the kleenex!!!

1. I thought Mary Kay had to win her cars
2. Talk about your payment being an "arm and a leg"!
3. That will teach her not to pay attention when I am at bat!
4. We don't have bigger issues to deal with than "boosting" cars? Terrorism?
5. Knobs...Tossbags...BAWAAAHHAAAA!
6. "Breaking up is THAT hard to do?
7. Enquiring minds want to know! Was it the space monkey or the terrorist's baby...

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Los said...

Crass - I love hearing and using British/Australian curse words - so refreshing!

Ink - I gave ya 10 last Friday, give me a break!!

Superstar - The arm and a leg comment was hysterical!

At 3:44 PM, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

My daughter's 17 and wants a ferrari. I'm smashing my pc up now.


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