Monday, May 01, 2006

Topical Chat, May 1, 2006

$3.00 a gallon for gas. Thank goodness I work in New Jersey.

1. On Stones’ Guitarist Keith Richards falling out of a palm tree in Fiji:
“He unsuccessfully tried to get the pink elephants off of his cloud.”

2. On the NFL draft taking place this past weekend:
“Is there another event that gets hyped up so much and then gives you two days of boredom? Hopefully, King of Queens stays on only one night a week.”

3. On a report in a Chinese newspaper that a Chinese businessman bought a fighter jet on EBay, and plans to use it to decorate his office:
“He got a tank for the basement.”

4. On a senior Chinese government adviser who criticized the country's "Super Girls" singing contest, an "American Idol"-style TV show, saying it wrongly preached the concept of instant riches and fame:
“Right. That’s the problem. It isn’t that shows like this are dreck that waters down the music industry. Way to wrongly critique, jackass.”

5. On a newspaper promotion for Tom Cruise's upcoming "Mission: Impossible III" getting off to an explosive start when a county arson squad blew up a news rack, thinking it contained a bomb:
“The arson squad was apparently given the wrong promotion – this summer’s bomb is actually ‘Snakes on an Airplane.’”

6. On a 62-year-old retired schoolteacher who is fighting with a cable company over a hefty bill (nearly $1,5000) for porn and gangsta rap programming she says she never ordered:
“Her 32-year-old perverted son was unavailable for comment.”

7. On thieves in Tennessee stealing a parked trailer containing $100,000 worth of Red Bull energy drinks:
“In an unrelated report, thousands of pigs in said state are reported pregnant, and the 7-Elevens report a Twinkies shortage.”

8. On a man from the Republic of Georgia (a country that used to be part of the Soviet Union) setting a new record by pulling two trucks with his ear:
“Mike Tyson was reported as saying he sure would like a crack at that ear.”


At 12:48 PM, Blogger The Rev said...

1. Keith Richards sitting in a tree... S-M-O-K-I-N-G!

2. I was entertained by the draft up to pick #14. After that I couldn't care less.

3. And he bought it from Idaho, which makes me wonder what the hell it was doing in Idaho in the first place. Was it defending our potato crop?

4. The music industry was watered down long before American Idol showed up.

5. I disagree. Snakes on a Plane will not bomb. It might not be a good movie, but it will make money.

6. Karl's mom watching porn is a disturbing thought. Inga is a saint.

7. Considering that Red Bull is usually overpriced in many bars, I'm guessing it's not that many cans.

8. I can't top Jeff's line. HEY-OHHH!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

It seems Jersey gas is cheaper than PA gas....

1. Richards does know that you can't get high smoking coconuts, right?

2. Once again, I could care less. And isn't Leah Remini on the King of Queens show?? She's a hottie.

3. Sheeeesh, how big of an office does this guy have??? He going to use a JET as on OFFICE DECORATION?

4. No, I think he was critiqing right, he just didn't address all of it. It's both a get rich quick scheme AND puts out stupid corporate music crap.

5. Now only if they'd do that to the White House and Congress.

6. "I tell you, I never ordered that porn and gangster rap shows!"
"Ma'am, what is that on your couch?"
" Oh, that's my blow-up-DMX doll with hard pump action.... ooops."

7. ???

8. Mmmmmmm... boobies.


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