Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Topical Chat, April 19, 2006

Another beautiful day spent inside a brick prison (work).

1. On a man who found a fruitcake that was given to him in 1962 … in his attic:
“He is planning on putting it back in circulation this coming Christmas.”

2. On an Idaho man who has trouble gaining weight reaching 100-pound mark by eating 6,500 calories a day:
“I always said the first 100-pounds are the hardest…”

3. On a man accused of repeatedly exposing himself to the same woman being arrested after woman snaps his photo:
“The woman said she had no problems reporting her husband.”

4. On a Tennessee man who reported he was carjacked, cooking up his story after he later regretted selling his car to a teenager in exchange for a $150 bag of cocaine:
“No word on whether the police would be giving Darryl Strawberry his car back.”

5. On a New York City restaurateur who admitted he exposed himself to a woman in a subway car, an act the woman captured with her cellular telephone camera:
“Hey, guess what’s for dinner tonight?”

6. On a Columbus man who asked for directions early Monday, but the two pedestrians from whom he sought help stole his car instead:
“Wait, no drugs?”

7. On Hawaii considering giving the Humuhumunukunukuapuaa Fish Back Its Honor As Official State Fish:
“Hopefully, they’ll consider lengthening the name a little.”

8. On a woman in Pennsylvania who is being accused by authorities of marrying three men while she was already married with five children:“This sounds like a bad Mama’s Family episode … wait, were there any good Mama’s Family episodes?”


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Bangin' my head against the window, just trying to see if the world's alive, brick window!

1. The eerie thing is that the fruitcake is still good.

2. Wow. Talk about high metabolism.

3. The women was then arrested for showing the cops indecent photographs.

4. Rot, cokehead.

5. Is this the same as number 3???

6. It was just bartering, the car for the directions!

7. Pronounced Hoo-moo-hoo-moo-noo-koo-noo-koo-ah-poo-ah-ah, I have family in hawai'i. A thunderstorm is heleke'ino. (hay-lay-kay-ee-no)

8. Reverse Mormonism!


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