Friday, February 10, 2006

Topical Chat, February 10, 2006

I’m dreaming of a white ….Olympics?

1. On a Colorado woman delivering a premature, 1.5-pound baby girl in a toilet:
“And to think, she was blaming her ‘indigestion’ on the Mexican food.”

2. On a woman who weighs 37 pounds, stands 3 feet tall and uses a wheelchair who has given birth to her first child:
“They are using a thimble as the baby carriage.”

3. On an Oklahoma woman who has the unique ability to whistle through her toes:
“Coincidentally, she is also married to her brother.”

4. On a transit bus driver in Philadelphia who grabbed a woman by the hair, knocked her head into a pole, opened the door and tossed her into traffic after she yelled at him for missing her stop:
“The driver is now the front-runner to become the next mayor of Philadelphia.”

5. On a man who married his bride in a courtroom immediately after he was sentenced to at least a decade in prison on a murder conspiracy charge:
“At least the new bride won’t have to worry about being abused.”

6. On a woman who claims that her 89-year-old mother spooned a dead mouse into her mouth from a bowl of Campbell's bean with bacon soup:
“Looks like the Campbell’s venture with Disney went bad.”

7. On a Washington state teacher who is going to jail for six months, for having sex with one of his students – who is now pregnant and married to him:
“Rumor has it that there is a new posting for a sex-ed position … authorities say it is just a coincidence.”

8. On a new soda that claims to be able to jump-start your libido:
“New Pepsi, with Viagra!”


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

What the hellis 'snew'? I don't know, what the hell's 'snew' with you?

1. What a sad way for a child to start her life.... in the shitter.

2. Holy crap! The child has to be microscopic!

3. What goes through a person's head to decide "Hey, I'm gonna try whistiling thru my toes today!"

4. Public Transit at it's best.

5. 10 years is a long time to wait for a honeymoon!

6. Campbells new campaign ad - Find the mouse in our soup: win a prize!

7. I dunno, this crap happens with so much frequency now, it doesn't seem like news anymore.

8. New Pepsi: Spanish Fly Infusion.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger The Rev said...

Why are all of these topics disgusting in some way?

1. I'm getting some disgusting jokes in my head, but I'm ashamed to use them.

2. I need to know... was the baby bigger than her?

3. Yeah, that's someone with too much time on their hands... or feet.

4. In SEPTA, a guy like that gets promoted to supervisor.

5. He got to consumate the marriage later with an inmate named Butch.

6. MMM, MMM, good! The M's stand for mouse!

7. Yeah, definitely becoming old news.

8. Great... a carbonated beverage is just what I like to have before boinking. Nothing like having gas during the act and trying to hold it in to not ruin the mood for her. Kinda ruins it for me instead.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger The Rev said...

Why are all of these topics disgusting in some way?

1. I'm getting some disgusting jokes in my head, but I'm ashamed to use them.

2. I need to know... was the baby bigger than her?

3. Yeah, that's someone with too much time on their hands... or feet.

4. In SEPTA, a guy like that gets promoted to supervisor.

5. He got to consumate the marriage later with an inmate named Butch.

6. MMM, MMM, good! The M's stand for mouse!

7. Yeah, definitely becoming old news.

8. Great... a carbonated beverage is just what I like to have before boinking. Nothing like having gas during the act and trying to hold it in to not ruin the mood for her. Kinda ruins it for me instead.


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