Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Topical Chat - December 21, 2005

Oh so close to the holidays, but I hear we are supposed to have a high of 53 degrees on Christmas Eve – what gives? I’m not sure if I will get to the Topical Chat on Friday, but I will try.

1. On Sir Elton John tying the knot with his partner David Furnish in Britain:
“Wait, Elton John is gay???? Next thing you’ll tell me is that Liberace was gay AND died of AIDS!”

2. On New York City entering the second day of transit strike:
“This should help NYC’s hotels and restaurants a heap. It might be worse to live in or visit New York, than it would be to be a student at Florida State.”

3. On Joe Paterno being voted AP coach of the year:
“After hearing the news, it was reported that he soiled his Depends. On a serious note though, I am proud to be a Penn Stater.”

4. On an Oklahoma woman giving birth to a 14 pound, 3 Ounce baby:
“Subway immediately called to see if the mother would like to put her baby on the Bacon Chicken Ranch diet plan.”

5. On a man caught in a woman's restroom after a wacky chase involving an officer who received a ride from a pizza deliveryman:
“It should be noted that the 5-5-5 pizza deal was not delivered in time.”

6. On Lafayette's Cajundome asking for 70 volunteers to flush more than 200 toilets in the building to test the plumbing:
“Additionally, they are offering extra spicy Cajun food in order to ‘help the process move along.’”

7. On a newspaper reporter in Michigan who printed a same-sex wedding announcement in the newspaper as a prank, and then got fired:
“I guess nobody in Michigan has a sense of humor … and also, nobody in Michigan can tell a good joke as well.”

8. On federal agents having seized hundreds of pot plants in a raid on a San Francisco medical marijuana club:
“Marijuana club? I’ve heard of Bridge clubs, bowling clubs, night clubs, and even turkey clubs, but not marijuana clubs … at least not anywhere outside of Amsterdam.”


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Happy B-Day!

1. I can see it now: "The new hit reality show: "Celebrity Queer Marriage" featuring Sir Elton and his mate."

2. Screw 'em. Buy a car.

3. meh.

4. Did she give birth to a baby or a bowling ball?

5. Mmmmm, pizza!

6. Bet ya all those jerks who love to drop cherry-bombs in toilets will sign up for this one.

7. meh.

8. But it's medical marijauna!

At 3:55 PM, Blogger The Rev said...

1. Oh yes... that marriage could end badly. Sir Elton can be a bitch.

2. I think that strike will be something else that is going to end badly. Too much union and corporate bullshit, and politics involved too. That is going to be ugly.

3. JoePa is the feel good sports story of the year.

4. 14 pound 3 ounces??? I hope it didn't come out sideways.

5. I hope the driver got a big tip.

6. I would hope they would get a t-shirt or something for volunteering, like "I flushed the john at the Cajundome, and all I got was this crappy t-shirt!" Crappy... get it?

7. Michigan sucks!

8. I wouldn't be surprised if a club existed in Philadelphia.


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