Monday, October 03, 2005

Topical Chat, October 3, 2005

Happy birthday to my dad, congratulations to PSU football, and thank you Phillies for a truly exciting (and surprising) season:

1. On Paris Hilton breaking off her engagement:
“This may have been the smartest thing that Paris has ever done … not that there are many other smart things she’s done to compare this to …”

2. On the city of Seattle considering banning lap dancing at strip joints:
“Strike the city of Seattle off as a place I’ll never visit.”

3. On a bar made from Arctic ice opening in London:
“There is still ice above the Arctic circle?”

4. On a British rower setting a record for the slowest-ever Atlantic crossing, coming ashore in southern England Friday, 124 days after leaving North America:
“What was he using for oars, toothpicks?”

5. On Japanese automakers who will be producing cars that don't have the characteristic fresh-from-the-showroom odor anymore:
“They’ve decided to replace the smell with soy sauce.”

6. On four colonoscopes, devices used to examine the human colon, being stolen from a hospital in Pittsburgh:
“Man, that really has to be a pain in the ass … get it?”

7. On 18 new entries into Webster’s Dictionary, including such words is flick, bikini wax and a brain freeze:
“I’m wondering if Roget’s dictionary will follow suit with these important additions.”

8. On a mayor of a town accusing Hallmark of producing offensive cards:
“Hallmark has to stay competitive somehow. In the past the only thing offensive about Hallmark was the sheer stupidity of the joke-writing for the cards.”


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Happy Birthday, Karl Grieb's Dad!

1. I just wonder who the hell would want to marry that skank anyway?

2. Wow. Talk about killing the whole point of having strip clubs.

3. And 2 days later the bar closed because the Ice melted... I hear the owner blames it on global warming.

4. Maybe he was just enjoying the scenery?? Oh wait... it's just water.

5. "Now your new car, too, can have that fresh straight from the wok smell!"

6. Rectum? It nearly killed him!

7. I can see the other two not being in the dictionary, but flick?? That's a honest-to-goodness word!

8. What? Do the new offensive Hallmark cards show Paris Hilton?


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