Monday, August 01, 2005

Topical Chat, August 1, 2005

What a way to start a new month....on a Monday. Hopefully, these news items will help cheer you up!

1. On a moose that has shacked up at a miniature golf course in Wyoming:
"Is this a new nickname of a golfer who will replace such icons as the Golden Bear and the Walrus?"

2. On the possibility of a 10th planet being discovered in our solar system:
"This story sounds out of this world (sorry guys, it's Monday).

3. On the pioneer of pop-up ads, Claria, Corp, now shunning the practice:
"I still say this company should be fed to the lions for what they have done."

4. On no major trades as the baseball trading deadline passes.
"This may make or break Ed Wade's 'legacy' in Philly.....and will most likely decide if he has a job next season."

5. On the Miller Brewing Company turning 150 years old.
"Hopefully, we will get to see a lot of annoying commercials 'celebrating' their 150 know, there was a time when Miller had some really funny commercials....unfortunately, we have to get showered with the stupid referee commercials."

6. On the Saudi King Fahd passing away.
"I'm sure that this won't spark up any terrorism in the Middle East."

7. On the Atkins company filing for bankruptcy.
"Looks like they need to 'trim the fat' a little........get it?"

8. On a dog finishing in 72nd place in the annual Alcatraz Invitational 1.2 mile swim.
"I'm not sure how I would explain losing to somebody (or thing) doing the doggie paddle in a swimming race."


At 9:33 AM, Blogger Ken said...

What no mention of the new car!

Ed Wade and legacy don't belong in the same sentence.

Miller Brewing Company turning 150 can only mean I'll see more scantely dressed woman than the year before.

Atkins company filing for bankruptcy...Giggidy...Giggidy...Giggidy..GONE!

At 2:33 PM, Blogger The Rev said...

1. On a moose that has shacked up at a miniature golf course in Wyoming:
In a related note, I have decided to start sleeping on hole #8 at the local Putt Putt. The kids seem to enjoy hitting golf balls off of my large ass.

2. On the possibility of a 10th planet being discovered in our solar system:
"This story sounds out of this world (sorry guys, it's Monday)."
In the immortal words of Philly fans... BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

4. On no major trades as the baseball trading deadline passes.
I am wearing a Red Sox hat today in protest. Remember what David Montgomery said last year. "We are better off than we were 7 years ago." Yes, being better than when you totally sucked ass is such an accomplishment.

5. On the Miller Brewing Company turning 150 years old.
Miller Lite commercials were once some of the greatest television spots with genuinely funny people like Rodney Dangerfield and Bob Uecker. I mean, who can forget things like "All we need is one pin, Rodney!" and of course the classic "Oh, I must be in the front roooowwwww!" It's sad to see Bud Light consistently kicking their ass.

7. On the Atkins company filing for bankruptcy.
"Looks like they need to 'trim the fat' a little........get it?"

8. On a dog finishing in 72nd place in the annual Alcatraz Invitational 1.2 mile swim.
"I'm not sure how I would explain losing to somebody (or thing) doing the doggie paddle in a swimming race."
There's a "doggie style" joke in here somewhere, but I don't quite have it yet.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. Moose! Moooooooooooose! Moose! Moose! Moose!

2. Interesting. There was talk years back about a planet being closer to the sun than Mercury, but it was hard to see because of being so close.

3. Agreed. Crucify 'em.

4. [sarcasm]I care.[/sarcasm]

5. Beer commercials. Car commercials. Insurance commercials. They're all craptastic.

6. He was buried in a plain, unmarked grave. They must have LOVED him.

7. Die, Karl.

8. Go, puppy, go!
So, what did the dog do to end up in Alcatraz??? Was it's name Al Capupone?


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