Monday, July 25, 2005

Topical Chat, Monday, July 25, 2005

Another great day in the Philadelphia area....if you are a lizard, that is:

1. On Stanton, Kentucky's claim to fame as having the highest toothless rate in the country:
"That's what happens when mommy has 'relations' with Uncle Dad."

2. On the life-sized statue of Betty Boop being beheaded in Virginia:
"First thing first, is Betty Boop worthy enough to have a life-sized statue in her honor? I can understand maybe a whore-house in Vegas, but this???

3. On California woman delivering baby in the toilet:
"I know that they are having problems with the budget, but man, health care is really taking a hit."

4. On NASA launching despite sensor problems:
"Seriously, how important is a stupid sensor anyway? It's not like shuttle missions are unsafe."

5. On Lance Armstrong winning 7th straight Tour De France:
"No doubt, Lance is a great athlete. But two things - first, this event is held in France, and a T.V. station was covering the entire race. I bet there are at least a handful of people who took 2+ weeks off of work in order to not miss a minute of this race."

6. On the Michael Jackson trial costing the county more than 2.7 million dollars:
"Money well spent."

7. On a stranded hiker surviving in a Lava field for 5 days:
"Talkin' about crappin' fire - this guy probably literally did this."

8. On the Ugandan leader offering free college for virgins:
"I'm guessing less than a handful of Ugandans will qualify."


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

I am the lizard king, I can do anything!

1. Cull the herd! CULL. THE. HERD.!

2. LOL jeff.

3. So I'm hoping this lady knew she was giving birth, and didn't think she just needed to take a big poo. Of course, if she did think she was taking a big poo, she must have had one hell of a sense of accomplishment.

4. Idiots. Well, it would make sense to use sensors, it would show common sense and a sense of integrity. I smell incense. I have 5 cents on me.

5. Think the French are ashamed yet??? They got beat by a guy on a bike! In their own country! You would think their own bikers would have the upper hand! HAH! Poofta French sissies (sensies?).

6. Once again, the gov't and the people are more interested in stupid crap like this freak instead of more important things like drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, or the plight of the Spotted Owl..... the Spotted Owl! What's wrong with these idiots?? Take care of your planet you freaking a-holes. It makes no sense. But Big Oil controls the country.... oh, the oil in AWR will help reduce the cost of oil, petroleum, and gas.... NO IT WON'T. We won't see any effect from that oil for at least 10 years! And it most likely won't even come to this country!!!! These oil baron assholes just want to get richer and fatter. That's it. The greedy fucks need to be put out of our misery.

7. Ooooo! I'm going to go hiking into the hotbed of Mauna Loa!!! It'll be fun, exciting, and so... scenic. Hey! This is nothing but a bunch of black rock!!!! What a waste of a vacation.... wait, I'm lost! Damn it's hot, why is it so hot??? It makes no sense that it's so hot during summer next to a volcano.

8. Soon my plan will be complete.... all the virgins will be located in one place, and the sacrifices can begin. It all makes perfect sense.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Brinton said...

Wow, what a nice commentary about my hometown, Stanton. Of course the reason I search for something like "Stanton, Kentucky" is to find others who love my community as well. Obviously, you are not one of them. No great loss.


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