Topical Chat, June 9, 2006
World Cup time!!!!! I know most of you probably couldn’t care less, but I, for one, am very excited!
1. On a study by the University of West Virginia, that finds a couple can enjoy a low-key night out in Morgantown for less than 24 bucks:
“Even, better news – the research also reports that in 75% of the marriages in Morgantown, couples do not have to go through the hassle of changing last names.”
2. A woman in Missouri, who was angry that her new puppy had died, pushing her way into a dog breeder's home and repeatedly hitting her on the head with the dead Chihuahua:
“Thank goodness she didn’t buy a Doberman.”
3. On two middle school teachers in Tampa resigning after students saw them having sex in a classroom:
“This is actually a breath of fresh air – teachers having sex with themselves, and not the students. If anything, they should get raises.”
4. On Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's re-election campaign (in Colorado) accusing a Democratic activist of leaving an envelope full of dog feces at Musgrave's Greeley office:
“Sounds like the Deomcrats are dogging her.”
5. On two women in Boston who finally received their high school diplomas after passing the graduation test … taking it 11 times:
“Hey, at least they beat the Kennedys.”
6. On an Ohio man who used a syringe to get his 16-year-old stepdaughter pregnant being sentenced to 20 years in prison:
“I think the Ohio man should be impregnated … by his cell-mate Butch.”
7. On a Nebraska couple who held their rehearsal dinner at Wendy’s, the spot where their love bloomed five years ago:
“Looks like no expense was spared. Hopefully, one of the guests won the ‘fingertip in the chili’ prize.”
8. On several self-avowed pedophiles who founded a political party in the Netherlands and plan to endorse broadcasting pornographic material on daytime television and allowing children as young as 12 to feature in porn films:
“Their first candidate for office will most likely be Michael Jackson.”
Let the yellow and red cards fly!
1. They obviously didn't eat w/ my wine tasting group!
2. Takes on a whole new meaning for "store credit"??
3. Again, Is this really the news?
4. Dog poo? Didn't that go out w/ 3rd graders? and lighting poo on fire in a brown paper bag?
5. Did they have to pay each time?
6. I don't know what to say except EWWWWWW
7. Wendy's White Trash Wedding! LOL ;o)
8. Well that should take care of the idea of having TV babsit any Latch-Key Kids! ;o)
I wasjust reading about those girls finally passing the M-Cas. Jesus, I would have been pretty pissed off after about the fourth time of not passing it. For them to hang in there for 10 times, really shows alot of stones. More than I would have.
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