Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Topical Chat, May 24, 2006

Not sure if I’m going to be posting on Friday, because I might be too busy … ON VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. On the death of Boo-Boo the Chicken, in Arkansas – a chicken when that was saved from drowning using mouth-to-beak resuscitation:
“At least the meat will be moist.”

2. On a driver in Lithuania who was pulled over and found to have 18 times the legal limit of alcohol in his system:
“The guy was pulled over on a toaster.”

3. On a woman in Alabama who was accused of hitting her husband and another woman in the head with a can of Raid:
“Raid – Not Just For Bugs!”

4. On a New York City traffic agent being charged with writing dozens of fraudulent parking tickets sometimes while sitting in her car miles away from the bogus violations she cited:
“Another reason to hate meter maids.”

5. On an alligator in West Palm Beach, Florida, stalling traffic when it tried to cross a busy turnpike during rush hour:
“Unfortunately, the cop that tried to give the gator a J-walking ticket is missing.”

6. On a student at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College (in Minnesota) being charged in the theft of his roommate's debit card, which was used to pay for more than $2,300 worth of calls to phone sex lines:
“Jerry Falwell is a college student???”

7. On a man who shot and killed a 130-pound mountain lion that attacked his dog outside the family's home:
“That guy meant business … and I’m not ‘lion.’”

8. On a high school in Massachusetts banning t-shirts with Sesame Street-like gang members portrayed on it:
“No word on the Tele-thuggies t-shirts.”

9. On a citizen panel that says that Oregon legislators and staff members should not be drunk while performing their official duties:
“What next, banning the use of hookers during work hours?”


At 9:46 AM, Blogger mollymcmo said...

where do you get this stuff? is it all outta your head? are you on crack?!


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Los said...

Actually, I go to a couple of sites to get the stories (mainly and, but I generally come up with the punchlines myself (most aren't that great, considering I do them in about 10 minutes before I start working - but I was generally pleased with the Tele-thuggies one).

At 11:39 AM, Blogger The Rev said...

I'm not lion???

I never thought I'd say this, but your jokes have actually gotten worse.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Los said...

Boy, Smokin, you really do get jealous when somebody gives somebody else besides you a compliment about being funny.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Be happy, Steve.
You don't have to work with him and listen to his lame-ass jokes everyday.
But I must admit, the tele-thuggies one made me chuckle. And throw-up a little bit.

1. You're supposed to marinate the chicken AFTER it's dead, not before.

2. 18 times the legal limit?? Holy freaking crap. I think Keith Richards just got a new hero.

3. LOL - "Raid - it kills cheating spouses dead"

4. Hmmmmm, that may explain why I keep getting parking tickets from Botswana, Uruguay, and Guam.

5. Hmmmm, that alligator obviously doesn't realize that he is a prime candidate for a new pair of boots.

6. Holy crap, kid, if you're that hard-up go get your self a slut or prostitute and call it a night. Yeeesh.

7. Karl, your joke had me 'roaring' with laughter. Seriously, you are one funny 'mane'.

8. Tele-thuggies!

9. But they didn't say anything about not being stoned!

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Los said...

How do I figure out how much my blog is worth?


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