Sunday, November 12, 2006

Topical Chat, November 12, 2006

Going to AC today … C’mon lucky 7’s !!!!!!

1. On an Arkansas mayoral candidate disputing the fact that he received a tally of zero votes, claiming he voted for himself:
“Sounds to me like he was really well-liked amongst his friends and family.”

2. On New Zealand high school students being allowed to use text message language on national exams this year:
“R U as excited about this as I M?”

3. On a male orangutan picking a name for his baby by marking a name with a paintbrush:“Rumor has it that the new name is ‘banana.’”

4. On a Wisconsin msn who apparently is using an insect story to encourage women to disrobe:“Wouldn’t it better in Wisconsin to tell women that you have some really good bratwurst that you’d like them to taste?”

5. On seventies U.S. heartthrob David Cassidy, who is now approaching 60, releasing a greatest hits album titled "Could It Be Forever:"
“I wonder if the greatest hits single will have a b-side?”

6. On a judge who was ordered to accept mentoring after bringing a loaded gun into his courtroom and announcing he was "locked and loaded:"
“Bush immediately nominated him for the Supreme Court.”

7. On California deciding to stop doing background checks on its prison guards because it costs too much money:
“You ever read a story and think to yourself, “Boy, that really doesn’t sound like such a good idea?’”

8. On McDonalds, which announced that it is going to be healthier and cut out the fat content in their food -- only in Europe:
“Sometimes, I really hate that fuckin’ clown.”


At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. What I forgot to vote formyself? *shock and amazment*
2. Great next there will be butlers and maids taking the kids tests and they will all have the IQ of Nichole Richie or Paris Hilton!
3. This is how China developed it's language.
4. "Wanna eat something slaty?"
5. I have to ask, "why did this song last forever?"
6. Gun advocate judge awarded SC bench nomination, shortly after Tom Selleck took the stand!
7. Who better to guard prisonors, than fellow inmates and SHOULD be convicts....hmmm maybe Cali is ahead of it's time on this one!
8.F**K it if you ar an American, you should be 40% overweight and joining reality shows "biggest looser"!

At 4:44 PM, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

1. A distant member of the Blair family perhaps?

2. They can spell that well?

3. Beats Wayne or Chardonnay

4. I'll show you something tiny if you undress?

5. He's still alive???

6. Send him to England. We need him badly.

7. The lunatics have taken over another asylum

8. Well it's too late for the USA. You're about to sink into the ocean anyway. Saw a programme the other night on obesity in the US. A woman bent down and caused a total eclipse. You're doomed mate.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Los said...

Jeff - that clown puts drugs into those burgers to make them taste better!

Superstar - #4 was a riot (though I think you meant "salty," right?

Crass - I didn't even have the option to vote for myself ... which is a good thing.

Four Dinners - It's that stupid clown at McDonalds ... making irresistable food that is obscenly fattening.

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap! I need to proof my work! LOL :o)


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