Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Topical Chat, November 8, 2006

The elections are finally over … so, when do we start seeing ads for 2008?

1. On a woman who said she fell off a slippery bar and injured herself while dancing in a "Shake-It-Like-Shakira" contest suing the Manhattan saloon that sponsored the competition:
“I bet she woulda won the ‘suck it like Paris’ contest.”

2. On a 54-year-old Orange Park man crediting two small Bibles in his shirt pocket for saving his life when they stopped a bullet:
“The U.S. government is now investigating whether or not to equip troops in Iraq with bullet proof vests made of bibles.”

3. On the U.N. security council attending a New York Knicks game:
“They’ve finally found a group that is more inept than they are.”

4. On the governor of South Carolina being turned away at the polls:
“Apparently, he was ‘dressed far too purty’ to be governor of South Carolina.”

5. On a woman who bought a car, and found the following pre-recorded message: "We would like to congratulate you on your '04 Trailblazer, I know you got f**ked, but still in the long run, you're going to be happy with it. So, take care:"
“Truth in advertising only benefits the consumer PRIOR to purchase.”

6. On a new film documentary that claims violence in some U.S. cities is worse than in Iraq:
“Unfortunately, this film was done during election time.”

7. On a Moscow-based doctor who has launched production of individually tailored condoms:
“I had no idea one could make condoms out of vodka.”

8. On a principal of a New York school being fined $10,000 for sending a letter endorsing a local candidate home with students:
“You know, one is never too young to learn the fine art of corruption.”


At 12:42 PM, Blogger BendingPeak said...

Just found your blog. Thanks for the laughs!

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should bi*ch slap you silly boy! 2008 campain...~mumbles angry words~

1. I would say "her hips don't lie!"
2. "proof that someone really did give "its" life in the name of Jesus!"
3. Security must have needed a 7 inning streetch?
4. The governor was just trying to appeal to a larger demographic!
5. Now that is just funny...Friday afternoon lemon funny!
6. What comes around goes around!
7. To much vodka and every condom fails you men!
8. This whole article assumes that the parents are legal and can vote!

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

Why vote for a lesser evil? Cthulhu for President in 2008!

1. Mmmmmmmm... Shakira.....

2. That's about the only thing those bibles are good for... and why was he carrying two??? I guess he wants to read the gospel in stereo?

3. Well, you see... a baskeball game is alot like dealing with the worlds issues... there's alot of... uh, dribbling... passing... uh, shooting.... sphincter?

4. No, YOU'RE not allowed to vote.

5. Ha! At least the scumbag car salesmen are starting to be a little bit honest now.

6. Bet ya they try to blame it on GTA and BF.

7. Russian custom condoms??? Isn't that a name of a band?

8. I bet you every one of those children 'voted' too.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Los said...

Crass - Kofi might be an improvement, although I hear he is as selfish as Marbury.

Jeff - Ugh - it starts with bumper stickers ... then bilboards ... then radio, then tv .... UGH!!!!

Bendingpeak - Welcome!!!!!

Superstar - Even though you like country, I still find you funny (or maybe, it's because you like country ... I'm not sure).

Ink for PRESIDENT!!!!!

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like all kids of music! LOL ;o)
Country just pays the bills!
~sticks out tounge~


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