Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Topical Chat, October 25, 2006

I think I might be risking a heart-attack if I end up watching any more Eagles games … ugh!

1. On a toddler that got stuck in a vending machine:
“More proof that the price of a bag of chips is getting outrageous.”

2. On a jailer who was fired for shooting an inmate with a toy gun:
He was also forced to give back his Fisher Price handcuffs.”

3. On an ape that was scolded for pulling a fire alarm:
“The ape apologized, saying that he lost sanity for just a few seconds and inexplicably went ‘bananas.’”

4. On a candidate for governor of Alabama campaigning on her cleavage:
“Vote for me, and you'll always have a place to put your hand.”

5. On an exploding beer keg that killed a man:
“Homer Simpson was unavailable for comment.”

6. On Salo, a Ukrainian delicacy that consists of pork fat dipped in chocolate:
“I believe this is item number 3 on the Burger King value menu.”

7. On volunteers cleaning up pot farms in California:
“Reports indicate that the volunteers have asked for Pink Floyd cds and cheese puffs during their break time.”

8. On the newest plastic surgery trend – eyelash transplants:
“Unfortunately, many people are getting poked in the eyes because of the poor choice of using pubic hairs.”


At 10:54 AM, Blogger Claire said...

Salo? Urgh! Sounds like something that would be popular here!


PS Scotland - home of the deep fried battered Mars Bar

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. Kids in vending machines! Who knew?

2. He also gave back his plastic badge and his Tonka police car.

3. Stop monkeying around Los.

4. Two boobs in office are better than one!

5. The ultimate way to die!

6. Mmmmmm... chocolate covered lard.

7. I hear the volunteers were all hippies and all had glaucoma.

8. Hey! Don't make fun of eyelash transplants! I lost my left eye's eyelashes back in Vietnam to an enemy sniper!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger M@ said...

#1: Fucking stagflation really hitting the toddler class!

#6: Thank you. Would you like to try a combo?

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Los said...

Jeff - the Michael Jackson comment was brilliant!

Claire - My parents are both from Germany. They have their "delicacies" and some are just downright disgusting.

Matt - Welcome! Burger King doesn't even bother with trying to be healthy anymore.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Kristin said...

If I were participating in #7, right now is when I would be saying, "I love you man..."

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Los said...

Crass - I'm sure they probably had a waiting list for volunteers.

Kristin - I would probably have to go through an entire case of Ring Dings at this point.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

Exploding beer keg? I'm dead and nobody's told me???

At 3:44 PM, Blogger ldbug said...


wonder how long those lashes grow? I mean if they're from the back of the head...are lash cuts to follow? Could I start a business? lash barber..has an appeal!


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