Thursday, March 27, 2008

Topical Chat, March 28, 2008

Great time to be a sports fan – basketball playoffs, hockey playoffs, NFL draft, and the start of baseball!

1. On a little person filing a complaint with McDonalds after a restaurant employee screamed and ran away from him because he is a little person:
“Must’ve been a bad Mc-acid trip …”

2. On a 58-year-old man who fed pigeons wearing only a skimpy thong:
“The problem was that he was wearing the thong on his head …”

3. On police who pulled over a female drunken driver, who had a suspended license and had marijuana in her car, and she didn't have any pants on:
“The guy with the thong must’ve stole them …”

4. On New Hampshire being name the most livable state in the country:
“Is New Hampshire still a state? I mean, shouldn’t it really just be a county?”

5. On TV veteran Larry King being voted least sexy television host:
“Apparently, nobody watches Judge Judy …”

6. On a report that fighting with your spouse can be good for your health:
“So, does this mean that Mr. Peterson is the healthiest inmate in prison?”

7. On a building that was in the process of getting demolished catching fire, and being “saved” by firefighters:
“That makes about as much sense as a movie starring Larry the Cable Guy.”


At 7:00 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

1. Mini Me was evil ...

2. Who fed the pigeons not wearing skimpy thongs?

3. Britney Spears, back in the news.

4. Then why do so many people move to warmer states?

5. Somebody leaked a picture of Larry King in a thong feeding pigeons.

6. Brett Myers, looking good!

7. Prevent gas explosions. Larry the Cable Guy could relate.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Coffee-Drinking Woman said...

I wsa going to comment, but I can't top Jeff's comments, so I'll leave this insipid drivel instead.


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