Sunday, August 13, 2006

Shouldn’t weekends be three days instead of two?

1. On a man who destroyed a woman's mailbox, then left behind a graphic photo of himself after she rejected his sexual advances:
“Just to give her the peace of mind that she made the right decision.”

2. On a Japanese company that claims to have developed a 100 per cent natural chewing gum able to increase the size, shape and firmness of women’s breasts naturally:
“Gives a whole new meaning to blowing big bubbles.”

3.On a guy who got shot in the groin, and then later got tasered by the police:
“He was then hit by an old lady with a cane, bit in the arse by Rottweiler, and shat on by a pigeon.”

3. On Sierra Blanca, the nation’s largest sewage dump:
“And to think we keep voting for politicians from around this area.”

4. On a man who yelled at people that were having a party in a apartment complex, and then jumped off of his balcony:
“He threatened to rip his eyes out if that didn’t work.”

5. On Barcelona, in an attempt to halt gang violence, the country has taken the unusual step of legalising the Latin Kings (a brutal gang), and registering them as a cultural association that could receive state aid:
“In an attempt to halt terrorism, Barcelona is considering selling explosive devices at train stations.”

6. On a mother who has been charged with helping her 13-year-old son search for someone to rob (she claims it was something they could do together):
“Yep, sounds like family values are still alive and well in the good ol’ US of A.”

7. On a recent study that claims IPods can make you hallucinate:
“However, they only make you hallucinate if you drop acid prior to listening to them.”

8. On Stephen King’s dieting tips:
“NBC has already bought the movie rights to them.”


At 10:03 PM, Blogger The Rev said...


since when are you using the term "arse"?

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Los said...

Hey, I've seen you use it as well, pal. I've used the word shite, as well.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Ink and Stone said...

1. Heh, can we say 'evidence'?

2. Increase the shape of women's breasts? What from round to square to polyhedral??

3.1. "Then he got jumped by a band of wild free-range Chihuahuas, bitten by a snake, run over by an Amish horse and buggy, rolled down a hill into a stream of raw sewage - he didn't love it, was mistaken for bigfoot and shot by hunters, ran from the hunters and got hit by a bus full of grannies, crashed through a plate glass window of a china shop, was summarily gored by the bull in the china shop, knocked out another plate glass window, hit his head on a fire hydrant, develeped diptheria from the sewage swim, ate a bug while riding a bike down a hill with his mouth open, got punched by a Hell's Angel, and then was obliterated by falling debris of the old Sputnik satellite.

3.2. I was swimming in raw sewage, I love it.

4. Someone's got issues.

5. There's no tough gangs in Barcelona!! Just the name sounds lame. We're the Barcelonian Latin Kings, we're gonna redecorate your house in fuscia!

6. Weird. What you wanna do today, son?? Mug somebody?? OK!

7. Listening to Karl's inane drivel makes me hallucinate.
(and vomit)

8. Stephen King's dieting tips:
#1 - get devoured by zombies
#2 - get eviscerated by a psycho
#3 - let a rabid dog eat your flabby fat
#4 - trim those pounds down now with the new Satan-o-cize exercise machine!
#5 - get devoured by zombies
#6 - become a werewolf... the extra weight gets burned up in the transformation!
#7 - go under the knife at Kingdom Hospital
#8 - get devoured by zombies

At 12:52 PM, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

A mother n 13 year old son? Who said family values are dead?


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