Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Topical Chat, April 4, 2007

Topical Chat, April 4, 2007

70 degrees today, snow flurries on Saturday … you just CAN’T beat the spring.

1. On about 4 million Groovy Grabber children’s bracelets, manufactured by A&A Global Industries, being recalled because the paint on the metallic part of the bands contains high levels of lead, which is toxic for children and can cause adverse health effects if ingested:
“I think when I was a kid, every toy I owned contained this type of paint.”

2. On Keith Richards acknowledging that he snorted his dead father’s ashes:
“The guy is a hero on so many levels.”

3. On a Marine lance corporal who said he had an aversion to killing and participating in war being ordered to be released from the military as a conscientious objector:
“Um … so, just exactly what did this guy think he was getting into when he joined the marines? Was he confused by the Marines commercials where they show a knight slaying dragons?”

4. On a suspected carjacker who was foiled in his alleged attempt to steal a car by a book-swinging 6-year-old Miami girl:
“Was this the same guy who was trying to get out of the Marines?”

5. On forecasters predicting a “very active” hurricane season:
“Maybe that trip to New Orleans can wait a little while longer …”

6. On a study finding that staring at women's breasts for 10 minutes is "as healthy as half an hour in the gym:"
“Well, then I’m obviously working out too much …”

7. On Europe eclipsing the US in stock market value for the first time since the first world war:
“Is this one of the signs of the apocalypse?”

8. On a judge ruling that an ice rink groomer can't be charged with DUI at wheel of a Zamboni:
“I think if your job title was ‘ice rink groomer,’ you might need a few drinks.”


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

1. Frequent use of the term "groovy" poses a higher risk of brain damage than does lead.

2. Keith Richards' autopsy will be the final episode of Dirty Jobs.

3. Wesley Clark claimed he joined the military to serve, not kill. P.J. O'Rourke pictured Clark traipsing across the desert, towel over shoulder, bringing Saddam a tray of bratwurst and beer.

4. Is this how 6-year-olds are taught to use books in Miami?

5. May they all hit Fidel Castro.

6. Call it the Hugh Hefner Theory.

7. It's called Sarbanes-Oxley. Congress overreacted to the Enron scandal, and now IPOs normally listed on Wall Street are going to London, Hong Kong, and Singapore. And US public companies are going private.

8. Lay off him. Every guy would kill to drive a Zamboni.

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Jay said...

No matter the health benefits, you can't go wrong staring at boobies.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Crassius Maximus said...

1. That's right, los, they contained lead, we ATE the paint chips and still turned out ok.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger tkkerouac said...

thanks news guy!

At 9:34 PM, Blogger mollymcmo said...

well if the boobies contained lead then you might be wrong in staring at them

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

Woohoo! Install a bar at the ice rink!

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Claire said...

As always, I love the range of news critiqued :-).



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