Topical Chat, March 5, 2007
So, did anybody else think that the Anna Nicole funeral may have been a little overdone?
1. On Houston's new red-light cameras nabbing more than 100 government and school vehicles since the enforcement program began last fall, resulting in about $8,000 in fines:
“Be careful what you wish for, because it may come true.”
2. On critics denouncing a Pizza Hut incentive program that rewards young readers with free pizzas:
“Certainly, offering spinach and asparagus sprouts would probably be a better idea.”,0,6908011.story?coll=orl-caldiningtop
3. On an irate Italian family beating up a principal because they were unhappy with the grades a young relative had received and a ban on mobile phones at school:
“By any chance, was the family’s last name Mussolini?”
4. On a 17-year-old facing a felony charge of injury to a child after police found a videotape that appears to show him and another man teaching his 2- and 5-year-old nephews to smoke marijuana:
“I thought that Michael Jackson was in his 40’s.”
5. On a Chicago man who is suing a tattoo artist and North Side tattoo parlor for allegedly misspelling a tattoo on his chest that was dedicated to the city – the tattoo was misspelled Chi-Tonw:
“The tattoo artist was immediately offered a teaching position at Florida State”
6. On banks being found to be overcharging customers for producing statements of their accounts so the customers can prove the bank has been overcharging them:
“Can’t fault the banks on this one – they are just trying to make sure you never question any of their sleazy motives.”
7. On a 420 pound woman, who was so large that no one -- including herself -- could tell she had carried a baby to term:
“This may be a hint to put down the carton of Twinkees and get on the treadmill.”
8. On a car crash in the Netherlands that sent three tons of hash up in smoke:
“Funny thing is that nobody around the accident scene was angry … just a little hungry.”
8) One time n aircraft pallet full of mangoe's crashed 20 feet to the floor in a cargo shed. Inside the hollowed out mangoes was hundreds of thousands of £'s of cocaine. A Ukranian workmate in the shed at the time tottered out covered from head to toe in white powder. Several noses virtually exploded and we were unusually happy at work for over a week.
1. Red-light cameras: Washington DC issued red-light-camera fines to ambulances and fire trucks. Cameras are about money, not safety.
2. Some people prefer illiteracy over imperfectly-rewarded literacy.
3. To quote Homer Simpson: "Intelligent Italians? Wait a minute, something odd is going on here!"
4. There's another Vick brother?
5. My friend Jim once misspelled "beer" -- at the end of a 13-hr bar tour.
6. Straight out of the IRS manual.
7. Yo mama is SO fat ...
8. Nobody noticed.
Is anyone actually surprised that banks are in it for the money? Gee.
Number 4? Bwah!
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