Thursday, July 12, 2007

Topical Chat, July 13, 2007

Happy unlucky day to everyone … make sure to stay away from black cats and ladders, my friends!

1. On seventeen people who ate from the same booth at the Taste of Chicago food festival last week, becoming ill, at least five of them with salmonella poisoning and three who were hospitalized:
“Abe Frohman, the sausage king of Chicago, was unavailable for comment …”;_ylt=Ag.ywdzmW14C7H5oaN7HUp4DW7oF

2. On lawyers and judges breaking with centuries-old tradition – they will stop wearing horse-hair wigs of white fake curls in non-criminal cases:
“No longer will they be called ‘horses-arses.’”

3. On an article claiming that Russians may have specific genes that allow them to drink more vodka:
“After this news was released, Paris Hilton immediately inquired about converting to Russian.”

4. On a woman holding her 4-month-old baby allegedly throwing herself on the hood of her car to stop an ex-boyfriend from taking it, and staying there for a wild 1 1/2-mile ride:
“This is what becoming a WWE diva is all about!”

5. On experts warning that getting struck by lighting while using an iPod could injure you:
“No word yet on what happens when you get struck by lightning whilst making soup.”

6. On parking spaces in New York costing as much as $225,000 and could soon be going higher still:
“Wow, that’s almost as pricey as Paris Hilton’s bar tab last Friday …”

7. On Governor Bob Riley issuing an official proclamation asking his fellow Alabamians to do what many have probably already been doing – pray for rain:
“Screw world peace …. Give us some rain, dammit!”

8. On a flight attendant who booted a mother and her 9-month-old baby from the plane after baby kept repeating "bye bye plane:"
“Why do I smell a new reality show based on becoming a flight attendant?”


At 9:51 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

1. You'll get the same effect after the 2nd cheeseburger at the Billy Goat Tavern.

2. Will the Brits stop using wooden false teeth, too?

3. Maurice Clarett has the Grey Goose gene.

4. NBA groupie?

5. Lightning could injure you? What would we do without experts?

6. How much of that is the cost of UN diplomats welching out on their parking bills?

7. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco prays for no more rain ever.

8. And flight attendants wonder why they're considered hostile.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Crassius Maximus said...

8. She had to. We're at level Orange, dammit!


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