Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Topical Chat, May 9, 2007

So the fight to save boxing in the U.S. really went over like a bucket of farts, didn’t it?

1. On an ESPN writer claiming that white baseball fans are racist for not wanting Bonds to break the home-run record:
“It has nothing to do with the fact that Bonds has been an ass-hat for his entire career, and that he has basically been swimming in steroids for the second half of his baseball life ... it’s like saying that I’m racist because I think O.J. murdered two people in 1994.”

2. On rival lawmakers exchanging punches, climbing on each other's shoulders and jostling violently for position around the speaker's dais Tuesday as Taiwan's Legislature dissolved into chaos over an electoral reform bill:
“This is why I sincerely hope that Vince McMahon runs for president … could you imagine who would make up his cabinet?”

3. On Paris Hilton creating a petition directed to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to ask that she be pardoned from any jail time:
“One of the occasions when you really wish Schwarzenegger could turn into the Terminator.”

4. On Sunday's election of the "pro-American" Nicolas Sarkozy as France's new President:
“What does this mean, that this guy actually went to the Disney theme park in France?”

5. On a Hampton, Maine, man accused of showing his buttocks to motorists crossing a bridge blaming his behavior on prescribed medication:
“Looks like I took one too many of my a$$hole pills today …”

6. On some school kids on a school field trip in Toronto investigating the pros and cons of public surveillance cameras videotaping driver punching cyclist in face:
“Oh, the irony!!!!”

7. On the head of Iran’s state-run television saying that all homegrown drama programmes should feature scenes showing characters praying or they will be denied airtime:
“Having scenes with suicide bombers is still only optional.”

8. On Saudi Arabia closing a Canadian embassy booth at an education fair because it was run by a woman:
“But hey, they believe that Bonds hit all of those home runs without using steroids, so they can’t be all bad, right?”


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

1. White America had real problems with Walter Payton and Emmitt Smith breaking the NFL rushing record. Wait, no problems?

2. Could he set a 3-way death cage match between Kim, Ahmadinejad, and Chavez?

3. Hasta la vista, baby!

4. The bar is pretty low -- Chirac was about as pro-American as Fidel Castro.

5. Karl somehow resisted the "moonshine" joke.

6. Violent Canadians?

7. Terrorists praying with bunker-buster bombs in mid-air?

8. The real reason Our Friends The Saudis did it was because they knew Canada wouldn't do anything about it.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Jay said...

I can't believe that we're even letting walking steroids touch a record - if you didn't really earn it, your name shouldn't be on it.


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